Monday, April 27, 2020

Lets Get Personal: Period Talk!

Lets get personal right now, and lets talk about something people usually don't want to talk about. Periods. Because it's time we talk about these things that make us, us. Without feeling like it's wrong or not allowed.

Now I don't know about you, but for some odd reason my period days after pregnancy have been worse than they even were when I first got my period as a teen. You would think my tolerance for pain would increase after pushing out two babies, but honestly every month it's a real struggle. I feel so much pain and the discomfort makes me just want to lay in bed all day. But lets face it, mommas can't get sick days, at all. So we gotta push through, but thanks to these products I know longer have to push through and feel like crap through it. I would love to share these very effective products with you so you can find some peace in the middle of the erupting volcano. ( Do you see what I did there? LOL) Get up, get things done, and even get a work out in! Yup, I said a work out during your period!! Because nothing can stop us ladies!

First product I would like to talk about is from a company I truly believe in and live by honestly. They have made homeopathic medicine for just about anything that you are feeling. My medicine cabinet is filled with their products because it's such a peace of mind to me, to know that I am not putting a ton of chemicals and toxins into my body, yet they work without harming my body. These quick dissolving tablets are called Cyclease Cramp by Boiron for Menstrual Cramps, discomfort, aches, and cramps. The instant I feel my abdomens screaming out I pop two under my tongue and let them dissolve on their own. In about 10 minutes I start to feel the cramps fading with each minute. It also helped me with the bloating feeling that I usually feel, and I felt light and great - which is amazing because feeling bloated can instantly change your mood, and make you feel BLAH. I honestly only take it once in the day, and I'm not so sure if its because my body doesn't need much to work its magic, but it is very safe to take every 15 minutes for three doses I guess to get the full effects of it. This is a product for children 12 years and older, so it's great for mommas with teens who are going through this transition into womanhood. We all know the side effects of aspirin/ pain killers, and how it increases the serious risk of liver damage so it's best to stay on the natural side of things but get the same effects of relief!

Second product I found randomly, and I had never heard of the company Rael before, but I am so happy that I did because they have such amazing products in their period line. So I got to try their Heating Patches for menstrual cramps. These cute little patches just stick right on to the front part of your undies, and they activate in a couple minutes with 149F maximum, and last up to 6 hours!It stays put the whole time - trust me I have done a full on yoga class with it on, and it did not move even a bit, plus it was not possibly seen by anyone so they are perfect to use even when you have to go out and gets done.  They are also a healthy alternative by using the highest quality ingredients! These are made with lemon balm, juniper berry, jasmine, dandelion root, and rosehip. YES, to herbs that can cure it all! These are just perfect mini companions to keep on you when you gotta get moving, and need the temporary relief for your muscle aches.

Both products I keep in my work purse, just incase around the week that I know it's a possibility. I have been so amazed finding so many great products that work naturally to help keep your body lively and moving, yet clean and safe. I am so happy I found these two products because they made my life a bit easier to tackle! I hope you find comfort in them as well!

- I was sent these products for review, but this post is 100% my honest review!