Friday, March 20, 2020

Current favorite Parenting Books!

Reading is something I have loved since the beginning of life. But when I became a parent it just wasn't as easy to find time to enjoy this pleasure. I didn't even realize how much of a pleasure it was until I became a parent honestly. But when I do get the chance to read lately I have been drawn to reading parenting books that talk about all types of different things that relate to my daily life as a parent. I love that you can find so many different books on so many different situations and struggles we have as parents. It's a way for me to feel less alone, and it is the new age "village" we rely on to make us feel like we can do this, and do it great!

Below I will be sharing some of my current favorite parenting books that I have been reading, and though some of them I haven't fully finished I can say I have learned something from each and every one of them. I will share with you something I found to be extremely helpful and important in each book!

1. How to Raise Perfectly Imperfect Kids and Be OK With it! By Lisa Sugarman

This book has been highlighted all over and I can't get over how much it speaks to me. Below I will share some parts I really loved.

"We can't always control what our kids throw at us, but we can definitely control how we react to it, and leading with positivity can make all the difference."

2. How To Raise a Reader By Pamela Paul & Maria Russo

I loved reading this book because as an educator and a mother I understand the importance of reading and starting early to open their eyes to literacy. I really loved how the book is separated into ages from infant to toddler, and even dives into teen readers. It also has a section where it recommends books for the age component of the child too! I also loved how it shares information about how great the library experience can be. How big of a privilege and responsibility it is!

Something I really loved that they shared was Book Inspired Gifts. We do this a lot in this household and this gave me so many fun new ideas for birthdays to come!

3. How To Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids! By Carla Naumburg

A book that helps you understand why your a losing it in the first place. I loved how they make you realize that you aren't just losing your shit with your children because you are a "bad parent" but that their is full reason and they help you figure it all out so you can get to a better place. As a person in general I noticed that I really need structure and a clean organized space to feel at peace, but as a mom I didn't notice that was necessary for me as well. Physical clutter , just seeing it can stress you out. I loved all the tips it gives you to help declutter the kid crap we all have going on!

4. MOM UP: Thriving With Grace In The Chaos Of Motherhood By Kara-Kae James

I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but once I became a mom I realized it is not an easy job, at all. The toughest position I have ever been given actually. It has been a crazy ride, and most of the time I did not at all feel like I was thriving in motherhood. This book is amazing for all moms who think or feel like they are not enough or can't find joy in the chaos. I have noticed how much my faith has helped me through my journey in motherhood and studying the scriptures and how it goes into parenting in this book makes it very easy to use with questions and group discussion you can use if you have a book club with other moms. Lastly each chapter ends with a section called Take Action, which lets you go above and beyond and challenges you to get something done.

5. The Explosive Child By Ross W Greene

This book is a new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children. I was at a tough point in parenting when I found this book on Amazon. I remember going through it with Jace. He was really pushing my buttons and I was losing it, real bad. Many nights where I would cry myself to sleep because I felt like I was really failing as a parent. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, and I felt extremely helpless. This book really helped me feel more at ease and take it day by day, and find different ways to cope. It gives you scenarios that you would go through on a regular day like difficulty getting to school, or difficulty completing homework and the best kinds of ways to approach it. My favorite plan was The Empathy Step, where you really pay attention to your child's feelings during their difficult time.

All links are from Amazon, and I would highly suggest you guys checking them out or if you know of someone who might need it, it would make for a great gift because books are the best kind of gift you can give anyone.

I was sent some of these books for reviewing purposes, but all opinions are 100% of my own.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Parenting With Anxiety and How I Get By..

When I decided to partner up with Boiron to write this blog post I had no idea our world would be basically "out of order" as we are currently going through a state of emergency in NYC, because of the coronavirus pandemic. The boys school has been closed, until further notice. So now I gotta figure out how we will be doing homeschool for the next couple weeks, so they don't fall back in their studies, and I gotta make sure we have everything we need to be okay if God forbid we need to take drastic measures. Avoiding large crowds, and unfortunately our lives right now are not the norm. I have many thoughts about this whole thing, SO many. In my heart I know me and my family will be just fine and we will get through this, and be happy and healthy. But as a mother with anxiety my mind can seem to make me feel differently at times. It's tricky though cus I never know when it will hit me, so I gotta just roll with the punches and keep it all together because my littles ones are watching, and learning from me and how I handle things, and how I deal with life's struggles.

I take a lot of pride in my best traits which I believe are patience, and calmness. I have been this way my whole entire life. But I must say lately I have been faking it to make it kind of thing. Being a mother has showed me that I am still patient and calm, but it fades out here and there and I gotta make believe I am this extremely patient and positive momma even if I am truly not at all feeling that way at that time. Because lets face it if I am not  calm, and uplifting then they wont be either. Aside from this virus, their are things that regularly have been feeding my anxiety as a parent. It's tiring, just worrying about a million things at once, yet making sure they are great and don't notice any of it. This is when I realized that I must speak to them about it. I MUST make them aware that I am strong, I am their shoulder to lean on, their shield from the bad, but I am human, and just like everyone else in the world my days are not always going to be, or feel great.

I wanted to share a couple of things that I do or use to help me get by, and parent my best through the anxiety.

Sedalia has been my best friend for about a year now I have been using it. I have recommended it to so many of my friends. I get very excited about sharing it with close friends who confide in me with their anxiety stories. I truly feel such a huge relief every time I take it, and feel the difference in my body and my mind instantly. I will not leave the house without a pack of it in my purse, and I also have a stash at my job just incase. It really has been a life changer for me in every way. Sedalia Stress Relief quick dissolving tablets are for stress, hypersensitivity and irritability due to stress. They are non habit forming and a homeopathic medicine that is non drowsy. I love how gentle it works, even when the stress is so strong. Suddenly I start to feel normally balanced, yet how a good amount of energy at the same time.  I feel so much calmer and grounded when I take them on my off days. Find it right now on WALMART for $9.99!

All things essential oils really take the edge off for me. I carry around my UpNature CALM blend so I can roll it on to my temples and my wrists whenever I need to calm my nerves on the go. I also have a oil diffuser in my room and I turn it on for just about everything, while I'm cleaning, reading, meditating or getting ready for bed. I do really believe in the power of essential oils and how helpful they can be in your day to day life.  Find this roll on oil on AMAZON for $10.00!

Lastly, what helps me during the tough moments is my faith. I can't ever stress that enough, that it is the number one solution to my anxiety. I can use all these great products but without my faith they would just be a temporary for the moment solution. My faith however re- aligns it all for me. I believe that my relationship with Jesus as helped me cope with my anxiety to where I can find stillness amid the chaos. Worship music is something I need to listen to regularly so that I can feel my tight muscles start to relax. I close my eyes and really listen to the melody, the beat, the lyrics. I feel it deep in my soul and I will sing along and for the most part I will usually cry my eyes out too, but that's when I know it's really working in my body. If you would like to listen to some of my favorite worship songs I will share some down below!

1. Good Grace - Hillsong UNITED
2. Way Maker - Leeland
3.  Oceans - Hillsong UNITED
4.  Set a Fire - Will Reagan
5. Awake my Soul - Hillsong Worship

Also, because of the virus going on we will not be able to attend our church tomorrow but we are so happy that they are bringing church to us on our TV screens. Anyone can join at the comfort of their own home, or even bed. So if you are someone who is currently dealing with anxiety, depression or just feel a weight on your shoulders or a missing piece in your life right now I would really suggest you tune in and see if it's something that can help you out during this tough time.  I will share the link down below so you can tune in tomorrow - 11AM, 1PM, 3PM, 5PM, and 7PM on the Hillsong Church East Coast YOUTUBE.

Times are tough, and even harder when you are parenting little ones so I hope that me sharing all that calms my nerves can help someone out there. If there is anything I have noticed in these past couple of years being a blogger is that I want to create work that reaches people, and mothers and fathers just like myself. It takes a village has such a different meaning in parenthood then it did before because unfortunately we all do not have the luxury of having family around, so we seek help in blogs, books, youtube videos, and our community in general. I want to be apart of that village so this year I will be sharing a lot more personal blogs where I will share many parts of my life that I usually wouldn't but it must be done because I have a feeling this is what my calling is in life.

What do you do to help ease your anxiety and worries? Share them with me in the comments below, and you will be entered to win a pack of Sedalia for yourself or a loved one that might need it! :)

- This blog post was my honest opinion 100%. I want to thank Boiron for sending me their product to review and to share with my readers!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

A Good Time at Toy Fair 2020!

Back in February I was able to attend Toy Fair at the Javits Center, and is a convention I am always looking forward so I can get an exclusive look at all things toys coming out soon. Toys have taken over my home since the second I became a mother, so its only right that I attend these kind of events. Lets face it, it's where most of my money goes to anyway. Im sure most moms feel these same exact way,! I love seeing all the great things these toy companies have in store for us. Let me share with you some of my favorite booths that I was able to attend during my visit at Toy Fair 2020, and the toys/games they had on display. Some toys shown below have already came out and are available online and in stores, while others are not yet out - but soon to be available!

- Soon enough I will be able to fully review these toys for you on special posts on the blog when I get my hands on them, so please let me know which ones catch your attention the most, and what you would like to see me reviewing!

Goliath Games :


Rattlesnake Jake

JohnnySkull Pirates Cove

Bonkers Toys :

FGEETV Series Two


Break The Board

Buzzbee Toys:

Air Warriors Slingshot
Air Warriors PowerMech



Little Kids INC:

Fubbles On The Go



AEW Wrestling

Learning Resources:

Botley 2.0


Bandai America: 

Pac Man Tamagotchi

- This post was 100% my own honest opinion, and I was not paid to write this post. I want to thank Toy Fair for allowing me to attend this event as Media to cover for my readers.