Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I have it, and you might too!

After months of not wanting to talk about it, and making believe everything is okay I decided it was time, to let you guys into a very personal part of my life. I was scared to do this, because I didn’t want to deal with the negative or rude comments I might get. But if I’m struggling with it, then there has got to be someone else out there struggling just as I am, and I thought if I speak up on it, then it might give others the courage to as well. Writing is my passion, and I love all that comes with it. But most importantly I love that it gives me the platform to help others that might be going through the same exact life changes as I am. Sure. Sponsored post are cool, cus a girls gotta pay bills, and free awesome products are a fantastic plus to this blog hustle. But the friendships and connections this blogging community has given me is by far the biggest plus to this job. You guys trust me so much, and that’s why I need to get real raw about things, because I owe it to all my readers that have been here since the beginning. My life was turned upside down by three letters, HPV. I have HPV. Who knows how long I have had it, because I showed absolutely no signs of it, and nothing at all seemed different. When I was diagnosed with HPV though, I felt very unlike myself. I felt upset with myself, dirty, vulnerable, and un worthy. I was also worried, about all that can possibly go wrong from here on out. My mind was just spiraling with thoughts about who exactly gave me it, to what if it’s too late and now my chances of conceiving are at zero because of it. Mind you I have been saying for four years now that I no longer wanted to have more children. But this diagnosis brung out so many fears in me that I had no idea I was carrying deep in my soul. Ever since my diagnosis I have not been able to wake up and not let it be the first thought in my mind, or the last thought on my mind as well before going to bed. It has taken over in full, to where everything I do or eat I am doing with a purpose because I am reminded of what I have. I have to eat healthy because your immune can fight it off, I have to take folic acid and other vitamins/probiotics so that it can fight off the virus naturally. I felt like it was so unfair. I have always been very monogamous, and was not the kind of girl that slept around or had flings, so this feeling of unworthy ness really sucked. I didn't understand how I got it, and why I would get it now. To hear the word cancer, is terrifying. Its probably the worst word you could ever hear a doctor say to you. He told me how I had pre cancerous cells that need to be taken care of so they don't turn into anything worse. I was in the mood for nothing, not work, not writing, no socializing, and I was giving my partner the cold shoulder. I felt unattractive, and I just wanted to find a quiet place to cry, so thats what I did for weeks on in when I would get in the bath. 

It has been about two months since, and I feel a bit more reassured thanks to church, and great friends who I spoke to about it. 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV, about 14 million people become newly infected each year. The numbers are just insane, I could not believe it when I read those numbers... but it also helped reassure me that I am not in this alone, and many monogamous people do get it as well. There is still a lot I want to know, and learn about when it comes to HPV, and I know this is just the beginning, and many more emotions will come through out this process but I will pour all my trust in God, and stay positive through out this trial in my life. I just felt it was necessary to share this part of my life with you guys to not only help others who are silently struggling with the same thing, but also to shed light on just how easy it is to get HPV, and you might just have it yourself without even knowing it. 

Though I do not believe the shot is the right way of prevention, I do recommend seeing a doctor to make sure you show no signs of HPV, and talk to them about all your options at preventing it. I will be sharing on my blog in the next months all that I have been doing different, and things I have been using since my diagnosis. I want to thank everyone who I have spoken to about this, and has given me so much love and support. Its definitely a scary time and I am grateful for all the amazing souls that listened without judgement. I hope this opened up the conversation for HPV awareness and helped someone out there feel less alone.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

My Journey to get back to Healthy.

2018 was approaching and I realized something big, something serious. I hadn’t been to the doctors in a really long time. When I mean really long, I mean 4 years long. I know, tsk tsk! I honestly couldn’t believe it myself and was very upset with myself. I noticed that the only reason it hadn’t been longer than that though was because I had gotten pregnant four years ago,  before my pregnancy I hadn’t been to the doctors either. I literally became an “adult” and had to start making all my health decisions on my own. My mother was no longer setting up my appointments, or filing for my health insurance- so let’s face it, at 21 going out to parties was higher on my priority list than setting up my health insurance.

So I never really stepped foot into a doctors office until I got pregnant with my first at 24 years old. After I had him I put my entire focus on him, and once again didn’t go until I got pregnant for the 2nd time 3 years later. I became very consumed with my two boys and all they needed done, to potty training and school registrations that I completely forgot I needed to stay healthy as well. It wasn’t until just recently that I decided it was time to make it a “ me- year” a year to work on myself fully- emotionally, mentally, physically.

I waited long enough, and I knew it was time to get into a doctors office for all of the things I had been pushing to the side. I had a bad case of vertigo that I felt was getting worse by the day. It has literally taken over my life- and functioning with vertigo is nearly impossible but I had to do it for my boys. Even when I wanted to just lay in bed all day to stop the dizzy spells. I have had really bad restless leg syndrome for years and the natural pills I was taking nightly were no longer doing it’s job. Then there were those pre cancerous cells they found in my cervix after my first pregnancy that I had to get a biopsy to remove, in which the doctor stated could possibly return at any given point. I know. I should have really stayed on top of that one, and I didn’t. I have no idea why I felt so invincible, as nothing bad could happen to me though. I would get by, and I would get over it. That was my mentality for so long. I used every excuse in the book to not worry myself about these terrible decisions I was making. Then I fully blacked out while sitting down in a crowded train cart and thats when I told myself I needed to cut it out and make every single appointment I have had to make for the past four years. It really is horrible that I waited for something that traumatic to occur for me to finally take the steps I needed to take. I was so consumed in making sure my boys were happy and healthy that I forgot about myself, and the importance of being happy and healthy so that they can be fully happy and healthy as well.

A lot has happened since I have decided to make a change for the better, and get more in touch with myself in all ways possible. Much good has come out of it, and then there is the ugly truth of it all. I found out many things I wouldn't have known had I not gone to a doctor. Its a scary feeling to find out you have something, and deep down you are wondering if you could have easily prevented it, or just how long you have had it. I went through a really bad month where I just couldn't be myself.... but at the same time that hard month broke me down so bad that it somehow formed something powerful in me to use it for better. I am not going to go in depth on this blog post of the results I got, because I feel thats a whole other kind of post where I would like to bring awareness to in a different way. But this post was more so to bring awareness of the importance of annual check ups, and going to the doctors when you know something is not feeling right. We are all very busy, and have list and list of things that need to get done.. but we MUST make time for ourselves too, whether its that dentist appointment you have been dreading or some quiet morning time to just breathe and say Thank you for a new day that awaits you.

I found many ways to stay healthy on this journey of mine. From appointments, to classes, books, and products and I will be sharing it all with you on the next couple of months. But please stop putting those doctors visits to the side, because they pile up, and though you may feel great most of the time there can be many underlying things you have no idea going on, Our bodies are amazing, and the things they can do is spectacular.. but ultimately it needs to be cared for correctly in order for it to stay as healthy as possible. You need to learn how to listen to your body as well when it is telling you it needs rest, because that is something I still struggle with as a mom. Be on the look out for the next part of this post to see what I did to be stronger, and happier.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Movie Night - HotelT Marathon! #HotelT3

Happy July guys! It’s officially starting to feel like summer, and the heat is making its presence known for sure almost hitting the 100s!! When it gets too hot out we decide it’s best to keep the fun indoors, and movie nights are always a good idea.

With the new anticipated Sony Pictures Animation film: Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation coming out on July 13th we felt it was necessary to have a HotelT Marathon and watch the first two movies just to refresh our minds before we see the newest one. So down below check out all the deets for our super fun movie night so you can also enjoy a HotelT Marathon yourself! 

Popcorn movie boxes w/ Popcorn 
Candy boxes 
Monster Juice: Lemonade mixed with two drops of green food coloring to give it a fun look. 
Bowl of your favorite chips 
Pizza - nothing is complete without it! 


When I saw this Now Showing Chalkboard sign on Amazon I knew I needed it for our Movie Night! Not only is it awesome for photos but to have up in your living room as decor it looks great. 

We were sent these really fun Hotel Transylvania Monster Mayhem Blind Collectibles Figures! They loved the suspense of not knowing who it would be, but the coolest thing is they come with keys for you to open the secret chests. These blind boxes are available on Amazon. 

Lastly, you will need the most important part of movie night. The DVDs. Hotel Transylvania & Hotel Transylvania 2 are available on Amazon for about 10 bucks together. Which is a great deal for both of them, lots of laughter and blah blah blahs!
Get your Marathon going so you can be ready to board the monster fun on July 13th, When you can join our favorite monster family as they embark on a vacation on a luxury monster cruise ship so Drac can take a summer vacation from providing everyone else's vacation at the hotel. It’s smooth sailing for Drac’s Pack as the monsters indulge in all of the shipboard fun the cruise has to offer, from monster volleyball to exotic excursions,  and catching up on their moon tans. But the dream vacation turns into a nightmare when Mavis realizes Drac has fallen for the mysterious captain of the ship, Ericka, who hides a dangerous secret that could destroy all of monster kind.