Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gift Guide For Your Favorite Mommas

I love celebrating women, in general. But Mother's Day is such a special day for me because it makes me extremely emotional to know that it's been nine beautiful years since I became a mom myself. It is a day that really makes me go down memory lane and be fully in the moment of gratitude for the position God has given me in my children's lives. I knew it was going to be tough, and most of the time too much to handle, but I didn't quite notice just how rewarding it would be. I also found so much appreciation for my own mother more than ever before. Mostly when I saw a lot of little Jessica, in stubborn Jace. My mom was a warrior for dealing with me as gracefully as she did. She tried her very best to mold me into the best version of myself, and stopped at nothing to make sure I was always well taken care of. So I know that the mother I am today is the reflection of how she raised me, for sure. 

So I am here to share some awesome finds that you can gift to your momma or momma friends to let them know just how appreciative you are for there very presence in your life. 

To the Faithful Mom: Prayer Journal

I have really loved using this prayer journal on a weekly basis. It is such an amazing addition to my prayer life. I know that prayer for me sometimes comes a bit difficult. Just like meditation I feel like when I sit to pray I don't know where to start and I am unsure if I can really keep it going. When do I end it? Where do I go from here? Did I say everything I needed to say to Him? Lets face it, most of the time I get side tracked, or just tired and I tell myself I will finish praying later on. With this prayer journal I am able to devote my time to one specific bible verse and how it makes me feel, and what specific prayer requests I have on my heart during that time. I have really been pouring my heart out onto these pages and it has become something I can look forward to! 

To the mom who NEEDS some Self Care: PMD Beauty

I splurged for myself because I have been really into skincare lately, more than before. I love having all this extra time at night to give my skin some extra loving. I decided to pick up the PMD Beauty Clean PRO Brush which gently cleanses my skin with vibrations and an ultra hygienic silicone. But thats not all - my favorite part about this magical wand is that you can turn it over to the Sonic Glow side that has a rose quartz and a special button to warm it up with ActiveWarmth to aid in reducing inflammation with a facial massage that will truly make you feel like you are at the spa. It's my most favorite thing to do at night will I sip on my tea. Just feeling the stone warm up with my face serum on it, and smoothing it back and forth on to my skin feels magical. I just recently received my 2nd purchase with them which was their PMD Microderm Device, which I have only used twice so far, but I have heard amazing things about it really helping your skin renew, by removing dead skin cells and reveals a clearer, healthier complexion.  I am so excited to keep on using these two products to share full on reviews, but so far I can't even deal without them as part of my night time routine. I wish I would have known about these sooner.

To the Coffee Fueled Mom: Target Coffee Mugs

There isn't much I have to say about this but I can't possibly be the only mother who collects a crap ton of coffee mugs, for no real reason at all, but just because they are too cute to not get. I have one too many and I love collecting them - even if I don't get a chance to use them all, on a regular. Lately though the new ones for parents that I have found on Target have been my favorites. They are the best size, and have the funniest sayings on them. I have gotten so many compliments on my " Queen of the Kid-dom" cup and I must say it makes me feel pretty royal as I sip on my green tea at night once the little angels are sound asleep in their rooms.

To the Bag Lady Mom: Nothing In This Bag Belongs To Me Tote

This bag just screams MOMLIFE, and I can't count on how many times I have thought this exact thing as I am lugging around a bag full of snacks, books, toys, etc - all that are not mine. Right now we are on stay at home orders due to the virus, but when we were going to church as a family I packed my bag up as if we were going on a four hour road trip. Honestly, it was necessary so that they could enjoy themselves while we listened to the service. This tote is the perfect size too, and last time we took it out in the AM for some soccer play at the field across the street from us. It fit the soccer ball, a skip it, a frisbee, two water bottles, sweaters just incase it got chilly, and even their scooter helmets. Yep, all that stuff - that does not belong to me, as usual. I feel like every mom needs this tote!

Wishing all of my awesome momma family and friends the most amazing mothers day regardless of the situations going on around us. Remember we all have so much to be grateful for. Treat yourself to one or all four of these products because I know that you know that you deserve it!