Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#EmojiMovie Arts & Crafts: Emoji Jars


The long awaited Emoji Movie comes out in theaters on Friday, July 28th. I have yet to meet a person who is not excited about this movie. So many amazing actors and actresses. If you know me, you know I love me anything with Sofia Vergara. Colombia represent!! Not only does it look hilarious, but relatable for all ages. I can not wait to take my little ones to go see it.

So to kick things off we decided to do a little arts and crafts fun to celebrate. Me and the boys had so much fun making these cute jars, and you can use them for just about anything! It was also a very easy craft to do with a 6 year old, just as much as it was with a three year old. They love anything emojis, so they both chose their two favorite emoji faces and created the jars with a little acrylic paint, and sharpies.

1. To start things off we got some baby food jars and peeled off the labels. Once they were nice and clear we poured some yellow acrylic paint into the jars and put back the lids so we could shake them up until they were completely yellow!

2. After they were dry on the inside we used sharpies to create our best emoji faces! I think they came out pretty awesome! We let them sit to dry again, until it was time to figure out what we would use them for.

3. Jace actually needed somewhere to store his crayons and pencils for his homework desk, so that worked out great. Caleb on the other hand wanted to use them for sweets, so he filled his up with emoji lolipops (his favorite sweet of all!)

It was a fast and easy DIY creation to do with them that they enjoyed as much as I did.
What is your favorite Emoji DIY? Share them with me in the comments below! And dont forget to go and check out The Emoji Movie - in theaters this week!!!!

*(This post was sponsored, but all opinions are of my own.)*


  1. This is super cutee. My favourite DIY emoji is by using cotton balls, soaking them in yellow paint and then drawing the different patterns. End up having lIvely decorations. And yes, surely I'm up for the movie!

  2. A surprising figure to emerge from this research (even to us avid craft enthusiasts) is that over half of U.S. households acknowledged engaging in a craft activity at least once per year.TeddyWay
