Thursday, October 12, 2017

Books that make a lasting impact on our littles. #ReadWithThem

I have been practicing Mindfulness lately, and lots of it. I really love how it makes me feel, and how it empowers me to be a better me each day. It's honestly a great way to encourage yourself to stay grounded and positive no matter what or who life throws at you. I have gotten to this beautiful place in my life where I don't let things affect my mood. I set my own mood, and own it all day. Do I still have bad days? Heck yeah, BUT the difference is it's not as bad as I let it be before. I remind myself that my emotions are my own, and I can do what I want with them. I have also grown so much when it comes to being more aware of other peoples feelings. I have always been a very nice, understanding and patient person,  but I believe that as I keep growing I realize more and more that people will just always be who they are, and we cant save everyone, we must accept them or leave them alone. It has gotten to the point where I find understanding in everything everyone says or does. I understand both sides, and though I may not agree with one side - I understand the reason for it. It helps me stay grounded, and not too riled up on things that would usually bother me before.

With all that being said. I want to help my kids be positive, and happy, and fearless. I want them to understand all of life's beauty, and teach them to not wallow, or complain about the small stuff. They sure have a lot of complaints about human beings that haven't even lived a decade, so I realize this is easier said than done... but I have found some pretty awesome books that have been helping me with this journey. Down Below I have shared the book titles and a page or two of our favorite parts. They are all available on Amazon.

Reading has always been such a huge part of parenting for me. I am a big-time bookworm and have always been. My grandmother shared with me her love of literature, and I have kept it with me since. I love everything about reading - from the escape of it to the learning. You want to get away and live a different life, then I would suggest a really good book. You want to learn more about something, read a book about it. I have shared my love for literature with my kids since they formed in my belly. Their library collection is overflowing, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thankfully we all share a deep love for the library, and these are where we got these books from. Reading with your kids will open up so many doors and windows for them, and help them not only stay educated on many things but will teach them to understand all that is going on around them. You can never feel alone with a good book in hand.

1 comment:

  1. Reading book is very nice habit and we all should introduce this reading habit to our little kids in very young age.These books are indeed best books for kids
