Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Balance is B.S Book Review

They want women to work as if they don't have children, and parent as if we don't work. I read this quote not that long ago, and it really sparked my thoughts in so many ways.  I have always worked during my time as being a mom. I did however spend a couple months during my maternity leave time with Caleb, and it was such a great feeling to just bond with my newborn. I loved every minute of it, but at the same time I knew I couldn't possibly do it for a couple years. When I received the book Balance is B.S - How to have a By Tamara Loehr I was very skeptical, because I have read tons of books that are for working moms because I have always struggled with it one way or another. Also lets face it, Balance is SERIOUSLY B.S because it took me a couple months to get it together and find the time to even read this book, as much as I loved it. While working a full time job, going back to school, being part of my sons school PTA, being a full time mom to two adventurous boys, and blogging/ working with different companies I don't have any balance at all, and I just find time for things when it is a good time for it. So this book really did speak to me, and it gave me the confidence I needed to just keep going, and find out ways to make things run just a tad bit smoother, and when it doesn't I know that I do not have to beat myself up about it, and just breathe.

Many companies and employers just don't understand and take into consideration that most women are care takers in one way or another and it is our hardest job. It speaks about that - but it also speaks about the pressures of what you believe others are thinking about you as a working mother - what your spouse may make you feel about it, because lets face it here in this day and age most working women are now the head of household bread winners, and that most definitely takes a shift in your marital duties/ issues, whether good or bad. I like how in the book it shares it all and kind of looks into all the areas of your life where being a working woman can make or break you sometimes, whether you are a mom or not - or a married or single woman as well so this is not just based off one specific woman. It also speaks for woman who are working for big corporations, or working for themselves as their own boss, because no matter where you earn your money it still has many ties and  barriers that you run into as a working woman trying to do it all.

Many books about working mothers just gives you facts, and tells you ways to balance your life out - knowing damn right that its just impossible. But this one helps you blend it out so you can do it all without dragging yourself down to deep end, while feeling good about you and your life. I loved that it was also very interactive in a sense that I could jot thoughts down, and it gave me things to ponder about during my read. I would highly recommened it to all my hard working slay mommas out there, because we all need to feel good doing what we do on a regular basis and this book is the best pick me up after a long day of work!

Pick up your own copy now:

- This book was sent to me by WILEY for reviewing purposes, but all opinions are 100% honest and all of my own!!!

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