Sunday, January 3, 2021

Products from 2020 that I am keeping in 2021

It's a brand new year, and with a new year it is safe to say we all want new things to help us create a bigger and better year ahead. But; shall I say that 2020 did bring a lot of good that I have actually decided to bring in with me to 2021. Cus, not absolutely everything needs to get left behind. Just the toxic stuff of course. So i'll be sharing with you different products from books, to health and beauty, and even technology. Hope you find something on this list that might be new to you and you will enjoy as much as me that it will roll into many new years as well! 

1. Each and Every Deodorant : Beginning of 2020 I decided I was going to start using non toxic brands and when it came to body wash; toothpaste and moisturizer that was so simple - but with deodorants it was such a struggle guys - and let me tell you how much I hate to smell bad; even a little. I was stressed and really thought I would have no other choice but to return back to aluminum deodorant which is the worst thing ever to allow into your bloodstream. When I saw an instagram AD on this deodorant I honestly did not have high hopes for it, and I felt it was just going to be another disappointment but I ordered anyway; and I am so happy I did because I have found my holy grail of deodorants that never lets me down and has me smelling and feeling like a whole garden of roses.

2. 100 Days of Believing Bigger Devotional: If you know me you know I am all about my devotionals. They are how I start and end my days because I have noticed how life changing it is for me; and helps me study the bible easier; and breaks down scripture in a way that I can fully understand it. This devotional specifically I did not finish just yet since I got it not long ago in June. But I love how its a reflective kind of devotional which you journal about how it spoke to you; and how you will apply it to your life. The questions are not basic either; they really have you question how you are doing life; and how to believe bigger and strengthen your faith. It has opened my eyes to things I did not even notice I was hiding from or just in denial about. It has most definitely been allowing my faith to grow in miraculous ways.

3. Maybelline Lifter Gloss Topaz: I have always been quite the fan of lipstick; and I feel like it can honestly brighten your face on days when you look tired and pale. But sometimes you just need something easy to throw on while you are busy and on the go - which lately for me has been my usual day to day. So lipstick has had to take a break and I am okay with it now that I have reunited with my first love - lipgloss. And wow has the lipgloss game stepped it up. Not only are the colors more vibrant; but the shine is intense; and not as sticky as I remember it to be. I love how this one really does give my lips the lift it needs to look fuller and plumper as well without the tingly feeling most plumper glosses have. It makes me feel confident and ready to take on the day!

4. Vanity Planet Aira Facial Steamer:  If you follow me on Instagram you have seen me post about this facial steamer quite a lot; because I have not been able to stop using it ever since I got it. It does everything it says it does; and more. I really don't know how I lived without it because its worth every penny honestly. It is easy to use; easy to set up; and small enough to store away when no longer being used. I usually use it at night after a shower; and I keep a towel at hand because the steamer is no joke - your face will be drenched in seconds of using it. You feel all of the impurities of the day leaving your skin and its amazing. After using it I either do a facial mask; or I use a cotton pad and cleanse with some micellar water.

5. Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: I have really been trying everything possible to live a healthier lifestyle and we won't even get into how terribly I failed at that because emotional eating has been really real for me in 2020, so eating healthy has been quite challenging - but I have still showed up with light work outs and vitamins/supplements. I had read up on all the benefits Apple Cider Vinegar has and I was so excited to start taking shots of it - until I did it once; and that one time ruined it all for me. I couldn't even finish the small shot I had. So looking more into I found these and hoped for the best. These gummies actually taste GOOD; and are all natural with all of the same exact benefits you get from a shot of it daily. I must say this was a huge 2020 win for me that I must keep in my every day for 2021 as well and years to come.

6. Victrola All in one Bluetooth Record Player/Radio : Music has been such a profound and soul filling part of my life for years now. When I get in a funk or just need to unwind I know that music can help heal me; and take me to places where I can feel my feelings and let down my guard. I can always count on music to bring me back to me when I feel I have lost myself. I had been wanting to take it back to an old school record player because I have so many great childhood memories of being in my parents home and they would throw on some songs. I remember a lot of the songs and the way my mom would dance around the house; and seeing the happiness in her eyes made me just as happy. So I knew I needed one for my own home so I could re live some of my childhood memories that were so simple yet still so clear in my head. Now every time I play a record on it I can get lost in the music; and find myself over and over again.


  1. I love this! I have been eyeing the gummy‘s for a while and the deodorant. Now I definitely have to try them out. I just wish the deodorant had spray on options LOL

    1. Yes! I love spray ones better. I am hoping they eventually expand their selections!!

  2. I LOVE lipgloss and that color is so subtle and cute. You definitely help persuade me into trying Each and Every deodorant 😍. Our bodies are our temples and I will definitely start treating it like it. Thank you so much for this post!
