Monday, April 9, 2018

Spring ready with Pixi Beauty x Dulce Candy

If you have been following my blogging journey since the very beginning then you may know it all started before kids, as a college student who spent all of her hardworking money in nothing but makeup. I will say it loud and proud I was, okay maybe still am a makeup hoarder. I used to review a ton of beauty related products for the most part, and then when I rebranded I stuck more to parenting/ family lifestyle posts. But as the boys get older I am finding much more time to do all the things I was once so passionate about. Here and there I will have enough time and energy to sit down at my vanity and play with makeup, and I love it.

I have always seen make up as a form of art, and if it makes you feel good too that’s a plus. I don’t necessarily feel I need it to feel more confident but I do feel much more put together and like I actually have it all together even when I don’t. Plus it’s nice to get to do a little something for myself in between being a very over the top mom. 

When I first started getting into makeup I was in high school and Youtube was buzzing with a very small makeup guru community. The first person I ever watched was Dulce Candy, and I loved her.. not just because of her very helpful tutorials but I loved her personality and that she was a regular Latina just like myself. Since than I have watched her blossom and her growth as a media Influencer has been so tremendously inspiring to me. She was the very reason I even decided I wanted to start blogging in the first place, because she gave me the confidence that I needed. She is the epitome of what a Latina entrepreneur is! As she grew I felt like I was growing with her. We became mothers to beautiful boys in the same year, and I took all my pregnancy and motherhood tips from her. I always felt a strong bond with her, even if I never met her in person. We won’t even talk about the time I saw her at my local H&M and didn’t have the courage to just say hi! Ugh, anyways. 

I was so proud and excited when she launched her collection with Pixi Beauty, that I ran straight to my local target to snatch them up fast. I am still thanking the make up gods because their was literally only one Cafe Con Dulce face palette left. I am not even exaggerating when I say I have been using it like every other day since I have gotten it. The colors are stunning, and so blendeble. They work for day time and night time looks. Plus if you don’t want to use them as eyeshadows you can use it as a blush or a highlighter too. Nine shimmering powder to cream shades that will make you instantly look and feel alive! Such a perfect palette to welcome in the spring, but I know I will get even more use out of it this summer too during travel. I really don’t have nothing bad to say about it, and I am so happy I was able to get my hands on it. It’s a perfect every day, go to palette that I know will help this momma feel good every morning. 

Thank you Dulce for all your hardwork, and for your influence in the Latina community. I will keep supporting you, and admiring your dedication to this business as I strive to one day make it just as big! 

1 comment:

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