Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Current SkinCare with Dermae

Skin care is something I obsess over. Like I literally change it up 24.7 & I cant get enough of all the products that come out for it. I have a huge box filled with just face masks, and I can’t stop buying them no matter how full that box gets. It really is ridiculous, but sorry not sorry I won’t be stopping any time soon.

When I was younger my biggest skin care concern was acne, as my skin till this day is very acne prone. Lucky for me it’s not as bad as it was back in my middle school days, so I don’t worry too much about it. Now in my 30s I am ALL about anything and everything that is anti aging, because I absolutely love that nobody believes me when I say I am 31, so I would love to keep this going into my 50s! Feeling young is important but looking young can be just as impowering too. 

When I got into my 30s I had this break through discovery that I needed to take care of ME. Sounds so simple right? But for years I had been putting myself on the back burner and worrying about everyone else. It was okay that momma didn’t have health insurance, as long as they did. It wasn’t necessary for me to get my 3 meals of the day, I was too busy making sure their bellies were nice and full. I really couldn’t believe that I didn’t realize it earlier but it was definitely time to change that up. I started doing more for myself, my health, and my skin!

Dermae Advanced Peptide and Collagen line was exactly what I was looking for at just the right time. I have been using it consistently for the past three months, and I have already been able to see drastic results. When using the eye cream I have noticed that all the under eye wrinkles I accumulated in the past 8 years of motherhood have visibly reduced, a lot! It is the product that I most dearly cannot live without, because let’s face it motherhood is defined as bags under your eyes at all times. Now with Dermae Advanced Pepitide and Collagen line I know longer have to worry about extra baggage and I can feel a whole lot more youthful. What makes this skin care line even more perfect for me is that it’s 100% vegan, cruelty free, paraben free, sulfate free, mineral oil free, lanolin free, gluten free, and GMO free! Which is a HUGE plus since my whole resolution this year was so be more aware of what I am putting into and onto my body to better care for myself! I am excited to keep on using these products to keep on seeing even bigger results. I know in my 50s I will be able to share that Dermae is my special solution to staying young and beautiful. 

- Dermae sent me these products for reviewing purposes, but as always all of my opinions are honest and of my own! 

1 comment:

  1. Really it's very nice blog. Thanks for sharing this blog. Your idea for skin is very awesome. Skin care treatment is very sensitive. In the skin treatment and medication world, knowledge plays a crucial role. Inexpert dermatologists wouldn’t be able to give you with similar level of service as a knowledgeable one. So if anyone want get the best treatment from expert dermatologist, then contact with Best Dermatologist Houston.
