Sunday, June 3, 2018

PowerMomDay w/ Loacker

I started off the month of May exactly how I wanted. Empowered, driven, and grateful. I really owe that to the Power Mom Day event with Loacker! I had heard so many amazing things about last years event that I just knew I couldn’t miss it this year. Plus it was in the neighborhood. So I told my mom friends about it and snatched up my ticket before it was too late. Let me tell you, it was one of the best events I have been too, not just because I got to eat a bunch of delicious chocolates without any judgment, but also because I got to be around a ton of fearless mommas from the NYC area. It was such a positive and friendly atmosphere. Women raising up other women. I absolutely loved the energy in the room. I loved all the workshops that were given to tie into all the parts that make Motherhood. From authenticity, health, and family. There was so much to talk about, and we were given a safe space to embrace it.

I must say the authenticity workshop was my favorite as I was able to hear from fellow bloggers who are doing big things in the media world, and I was able to hear them speak on how they started up their dream/ their brand and turned it into something on top of being a mother. I really enjoyed hearing everyone introduce themselves as their future selves. Full on manifestations we’re going down, and it was such a powerful moment. Not only was the snacks and the workshops great but the space itself was just stunning, and with every mirror you passed you read inspirational sayings that gave you a feeling of determination.

I couldn’t help but be in that room and not feel honored to be a women, to be a mom. It gave me the best feeling ever, and made me realize that God handpicked me for these titles in my life. He chose me to be a mom to two boys, He chose me to be a strong and driven women in NYC. He also helped me gain the confidence that I needed to stand up and start doing what I have always loved doing through my blogging, writing. That day helped me see my growth, and truly appreciate it. I needed to step back and take it all in to remind myself that I have bloomed, and I need to keep on blooming because that is exactly what I am meant to do. 

As I sit here craving a Loacker chocolate ( if you never have had one you need to go find one ASAP!) I feel blessed to have been able to enjoy that day with all those other special moms, celebrating us, and enjoying the down time to remind ourselves exactly why we are Power Moms. I am already looking forward to next years event and all the years to come. 

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