Friday, June 22, 2018

Domino's Hotspots making delivery even more convenient!

 In May I attended a really fun and tasty event with Domino's in the Bronx, at their new Pizza Theatre to inform us influencers about all the really cool new things they were working up for us. It was such a great event where I learned so much about the behind the scene's from making the pizza, to even their programs that they have when it comes to helping our communities first hand. They have created a new store design, that feels less like an on the go pizza shop, and more like a restaurant. It's an open space for customers to watch the process of their orders being made right on the spot. Plus a small staircase for the little ones to stand on to get a close up look at how pizza is made. I was so excited to be able to make my very own pizza, the same way millions of Domino's pizzas are made daily. It was lots of fun to learn all the ins and outs of it, and now I am a pizza making pro, kind of. 

I'm here to tell  you about how they are redefining delivery convenience by launching Hotspots in over 150,000 locations without a traditional address needed. That's right, now you can receive pizza at a local park, a beach, and thousands of other unexpected areas. If you ask me, this is life changing! I am going to be sharing how this service helped me out on the first day of summer.

We just got back from vacation on Wednesday night, so the boys have been pretty jet-lagged, and so have I. Its just one of those lazy days after you have had so much fun that you just can't hang like usual. They did, however, want to go over to the park to see if they could find some friends to hang out with, and so we headed over there until I realized they haven't really eaten much and should be hungry very soon. The usual would have been me giving them a 30 minute hang out session until we had to leave to go pick up some food, and that would have caused major tantrums about how they did not get much time to play, and no mom wants to go through that drama, but at the same time you know your kids and you know when they need fuel as well to keep the day drama free. Domino's Hotspots made this a complete win-win situation for us all. I just took out my phone, ordered the pizza to be delivered to us at our local park, and through text messages, I was able to find out how close it was to being delivered. So simple, and so fast. I was able to let them play with their friends, and I was able to just sit on the bench and relax. They said the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes, and it was actually delivered in less time. So we got it a lot faster than it would have taken us to go and get some as well. When it came we went to the benches to enjoy our delicious pizza and cheesy bread without any hustle and bustle, or tantrums.

It is a service I know I will continue to use all summer because I want to keep the summer less chaotic as possible, and a whole lot easier on myself. We cant always be super mom and carry millions of snacks with us, and we also don't want to be the bad cop mom who is pulling them out of fun to go walk to a pizza shop. This service benefits all of us, if you are a sports coach who wants to treat the kids to pizza after a big win, you no longer have to lug around gear to a restaurant. If you are enjoying a kid-free beach day, and you don't want to leave your tanning session. It can come in handy on so many different occasions, and I am so glad I got to enjoy this convenience. Plus, the boys were super impressed that they were able to eat their pizza at the park without any walking necessary. I know I was the happiest of them all though because this tired momma wanted pizza too! 

Domino’s Hotspots are online-only for prepaid orders on and in mobile apps. Once your location has been determined, local Domino’s Hotspots that are available for delivery will appear on a map to select. Before checking out, customers can leave instructions to help the driver find them.  After completing their order, customers will receive text message alerts about their Domino’s Hotspot delivery progress, including a final text that gives the estimated arrival of the driver at the hand-off spot. It's that easy!

For more information, visit

- I was not paid for this post, but I was given a gift card to try out the new Hotspot services. All opinions are honest, and my own.

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