Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Nissan Presents Bloggin Mamas Safety Academy Event ! #NissanMamas

When you are pregnant you prepare in a million different ways. I remember going to Barnes and Noble and buying about five different self help pregnancy preparation books! I wanted to know it all before he was born. I took a CPR class, a first aid class, even a nutrition class. I honestly still didn't feel quite prepared ; but it helped me feel a bit more at ease. Let's face it you won't ever be fully prepared to be a mother - but there is a lot you can learn to make it easier. Some things are out of our control - but car safety isn't one of those things. Unfortunately it's something that is usually seen as " common sense " and under looked when preparing for a baby - when it should be something we educate ourselves in the most. I was invited to this amazing event by Bloggin Mamas with Nissan to teach us how to keep our little ones safe while at the wheel. Sharing this information with you will hopefully give you insight on things you may not know or forgot. Either way it is information I feel every single person should know when driving with a child ! It was such an informative event that I needed to share to make sure I can spread the word about its importance!  Down below are some scary facts that we have the power to change by spreading the word ! 


After learning all we did they let us test drive their beautiful and super safe cars ; plus gave us a full demonstration on how to properly install the car seats! Did you know that car seats also have expiration dates!? It was definitely an eye opening information packed event ! 

Thank you to Bloggin Mamas & Nissan for hosting this amazing event ! 

This event was sponsored; but all opinions are of my own. 

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