Friday, May 12, 2017

This mommy runs on Dunkin #DunkinAtHome


I was never a big coffee drinker. I honestly did not start drinking coffee until I became a mom. My addiction with it grew once I became a mother of not only one , but two boys. Two beautiful boys the ages of five and three. They are the most free spirited and active little boys I know. If its not running around in the park, you bet they are tearing up living room with their best dance moves. So this momma right here needs to be on her toes, and ready to for it all. I consider myself a very laid back mom, but at the same time I am super hands on. I guess I am just taking advantage of the fact that they are still at ages where they enjoy me doing things with them. So I gotta soak it all up now, before its gone (sigh!). I am always looking for fun arts and crafts to create with them, or setting up shake rumbles with my youngest. (Oh! The things youtube has taught our children about, huh?).  I even get permission sometimes to join in on their awesome dance parties, just sometimes though.  So just like a baby who needs his special blanket, I need my Dunkin.

I was invited to a special Pre Mothers Day event organized by The Moms Network with Denise and Melissa, and it was just my kind of event. It was promoted by Dunkin Donuts itself, and they made sure they had tons of mom fuel (coffee) to wake us all up. It was an amazing event showing us all of the tasty Keurig K Cups they have to offer now. We were able to try some of them out, while our kiddos enjoyed some mothers day arts and crafts. It was a great family event for all!

As a NYC mom you bet I have a Dunkin right up the block from my home, and it is quite a daily ritual for us to visit. If its not for mommys coffe, then we are picking up donuts for my little munchkins. Its definitely one of our most favorite places. You know its real when all the workers know you and your children by name. But its great that if I cant wait to get to a location, I can now just easily brew my Dunkin coffee right at home.

I will continue to awaken my spirit every morning with a nice cup of joe, because my kids will be depending on me to awaken them for a couple more years now! They also will hopefully be inviting me to more of their dance parties, if I can just learn to dance exactly the way they want me to.

From one caffeinated mommy to another, choose Dunkin !

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